Account Deletion Request

Our customer support team is here to assist you. If you have any inquiries about app functionality, we're here to provide the answers you need.

Personal Information Deletion Request

Your privacy is our priority. If you would like to request the deletion of your personal information from our records, please fill out the form below. We are committed to complying with data protection regulations and will process your request in accordance with our privacy policy.

Provide as much detail as possible regarding the information you wish to be removed. You will receive an email confirmation once your information has been successfully deleted from our systems.

Account Deletion Request

If you wish to delete your account with JusticeAI, please complete the form below. We understand the importance of your privacy and data security, so rest assured that your request will be handled with the utmost confidentiality and efficiency.

Please provide the necessary account details and your reason for the deletion, if you wish to share. This will help us improve our services. Once submitted, the deletion of your account will be initiated, and you will receive confirmation of its completion via email.